What is elasticity and scalability in cloud computing. ”. What is elasticity and scalability in cloud computing

”What is elasticity and scalability in cloud computing  It means that multiple customers of cloud vendor

[3] Webscale is a computer architectural approach that brings the capabilities of large-scale cloud. Open–source cloud is a cloud service or solution built using open–source software and technologies. Scalability is the ability of a system to sustain increas-Scalability and elasticity are the most misunderstood concepts in cloud computing. It is of two types. This is only one aspect to elasticity. Elasticity is also referred to cloud elasticity or elastic computing. Effective cloud scalability allows businesses to rapidly, efficiently, and successfully scale up and down resources due to changes in traffic and user demand, as well as according to application requirements. Scalability in the realm of cloud computing refers to the ability to expand or contract IT resources in response to fluctuating demand. Cloud-based software refers to computer programs that use the internet to deliver digital tools and store documents, records, digital assets and data on remote servers or computers in data centres. And, therefore, elasticity is a core benefit of the cloud. An internet connection, WAN, or VPN is used to connect to the cloud; The same virtualization techniques from public clouds but at the cloud providers data centerThis article focuses on cloud computing scalability, cloud computing reliability, the cloud processing availability. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) includes rapid elasticity as an essential characteristic of its definition of cloud computing: “Rapid elasticity. Scalability is that feature which allows your system to adjust resources with change in load or demand. Burst In , Burst Out to Private Cloud , Burst Out to Public Cloud , Cloud Authentication , Cloud Balancing, Elastic Environment , Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) , Isolated Trust Boundary, Multitenant Environment , Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) , Private Cloud , Public Cloud , Resilient Environment , Resource Workload. Cloud scalability is the ability of a cloud computing system to easily and quickly adjust its resources to meet changes in demand. Thanks to scalability, you won't have to worry about peak engineering or capacity planning. How does cloud scalability operate, and what is it exactly? What characteristics of cloud computing allow it to accommodate rapid. Rapid Elasticity is a pivotal concept in cloud computing, defining the dynamic scalability underpinning modern IT infrastructure. For the cloud user, they will be given enough power to. While both scalability and elasticity are critical in cloud computing, they serve different purposes. AWS cloud migration with IBM Turbonomic . Cloud elasticity helps users prevent over-provisioning or under-provisioning system resources. Scalability refers to the ability of a system. Some of them are as follow:-. 1. Cloud elasticity vs. => Auto-scaling: automation of the concept of scalability,. Elasticity is the capability for a cloud-based program to require more or fewer resources, to put it simply. AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and other public cloud platforms make resources available to users at the click of a button or API call. Learn how elasticity in cloud computing can help businesses achieve agility, efficiency, and cost savings. b) Virtual appliances are becoming a very important standard cloud computing deployment object. You determination learn that: To need obscure scalability to meet customer demand. Utility Computing. This means businesses can scale up or down the needed. Scalability, elasticity and efficiency are interrelated aspects of performance of cloud-based software services. Scalability is the ability to add or remove capacity, mostly processing, memory, or both, from an IT environment. Scalability has one dimension of. Nowadays, scalable and elastic cloud computing services are available to customers. Cloud scalability vs Cloud elasticity. Elasticity. Instead of buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can access technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases, on an as-needed basis from a cloud provider like. cloud scalability Cloud elasticity is sometimes confused with cloud scalability, often because they’re used interchangeably or talked about in the same sentence. Scalability is the ability of a system or network to handle increased load or usage. The main principles of cloud agility help businesses harness cloud computing to achieve flexibility, scalability and accelerate innovation. Scalability provides the ability to increase the workload capacity within a preset framework (hardware, software, etc. In this work, we use a technical measurement of the. Enterprises are caught unaware when there is a data leak or system network failure resulting in complete chaos and lack of preparedness. - Cloud Computing is a Core component of Digital Transformation. Unlike reserved instances or your own server hardware "in the basement" the cloud provider offer both the resources and the managment tools to let you use varying amounts of compute, network ,. Scalability is long-term planning and adopted just to deal with an expected increase/decrease in demand. Multitenancy can describe a hardware or software architecture in which multiple systems, applications, or data from different enterprises are hosted on the same physical hardware. An elastic cloud service increases or decreases the available resources dynamically to match an organization’s needs. We can scale down, scale up, and scale out accordingly. In the cloud, you will usually use both of these methods, but horizontal scaling is usually considered a long-term solution, while vertical scaling is usually considered a short-term solution. Elasticity. Elastic environments care about being able to meet current demands without under/over provisioning, in an autonomic fashion. Elasticity is automatically scaling up or down resources to meet user demands. I interprete elasticity as the capability to react to more or less daily variation in resource needs. The best example of open source Cloud Computing is OpenStack. Cloud scalability is an effective solution for businesses whose needs and workload requirements are increasing. Scalability. How Horizontal Cloud Scaling Works. Cost-effectiveness. AWS cloud migration with IBM Turbonomic . Scalability and elasticity are two essential concepts in cloud computing. Cloud Elasticity. Previously, we discussed how cloud computing can help firms improve their financial performance, specifically revenue growth, cost reductions, and optimized technology investments. Cloud elasticity vs. Scalable environments only care about increasing capacity to accommodate an increasing workload. S. It reduces the need for an operator to continually monitor the performance of a system and make decisions about adding or removing resources. Infrastructure as a Service. scale-out for storage, consider factors such as data growth expectations, budget, criticality of systems and existing hardware. Cloud scalability is the ability of the cloud to adjust to changing business needs and computing requirements. Matching needs to utilization is critical for cost optimization. This cost-effective. You can deploy your applications in EC2 servers without any worrying about the underlying infrastructure. The ability to acquire resources as you need them and release resources when you no longer need them. Other services require vertical scaling. Scalability. Data. The key to cloud adaptability is the capacity to increase or decrease IT resources according to demand shifts. As businesses seek scalability, instantaneous elasticity is a must-have component for those who consider Cloud to back their business’s growth. Elasticity. Elastic environments care about being able to meet current demands without under/over provisioning, in an autonomic fashion. Scalability refers to the capability of a system to. There are 9 main types of scalability in cloud computing: 1. • We achieve cloud elasticity through _____ controlled and measured, provider, billed. It offers cost savings, scalability, high performance, economies of scale, and more. Prominent cloud computing environment/services like AWS, Azure, and Google understood its value and now offer it with all their leading cloud solutions to make sure that the involved needs of their. Elasticity is best defined as a cloud computing service's ability to dynamically adapt to meet an organization's changing demands. Functional Scalability: consists of the ability of a computing system to tackle requests and implementation of an increasing number of new functionalities. Rapid Elasticity in Cloud Computing. 2. One of the most common examples of cloud computing is Apple's iCloud. One of the most common examples of cloud computing is Apple's iCloud. Cloud Scaling; Cost: The Grand Determinant; What Is Scalability? Scalability describes a system’s elasticity. It also provides scalability and elasticity i. Private cloud. In this context, elasticity is commonly. This adaptability creates a elasticity vs scalability in cloud computing dynamic environment capable of efficiently maintaining service quality despite rapid and unpredictable changes in workloads. Some operations which can be performed with cloud computing are –. Elastic allows you to quickly deploy and scale your Elastic workloads on the cloud. For example, a customer mayneed a large. Enter cloud scalability. The software program may be scaled up in a variety. Cloud scalability in cloud computing is the ability to scale up or scale down cloud resources as needed to meet demand. You can use Amazon EC2 to launch as many or as few virtual servers as you need, configure security and networking,. ) without it negatively affecting performance. High availability and fault tolerance. Private cloud combines many of the benefits of cloud computing—including elasticity, scalability, and ease of service delivery. A load balancer can help to distribute traffic across multiple VMs, which can improve. Scaling out vs. Performance and scalability testing and measurements of cloud-based software services are necessary for future optimizations and growth of cloud computing. Scalability is one of the key benefits of cloud computing. Another perk of cloud computing is having instant access to a variety of hardware specs that are all. Security: Because data is properly separated, the chances of. Cloud Elasticity is a tactical resource allocation operation. Cloud Elasticity refers to the system’s ability to decrease or increase its resource allocation in real-time in response to a sudden drop or spike in demand. Cloud computing is now a well-consolidated paradigm for on. If you have an iPhone, you've likely backed up its contents to iCloud. Cloud scalability. It enables enterprise to manage workload demands or application demands by distributing resources among numerous computers, networks or servers. Elastic approach [1] in cloud computing is one of the fundamental requirements of the cloud service model to meet the needs of customer hosting their applications in the cloud. Rapid elasticity: The Computing services should have. Scalability is an essential feature of cloud computing that allows systems to adapt and grow with changing demands. You only pay for the Amazon Web Services features you need — and many solutions are ready to go on demand when you. Elasticity is a 'rename' of scalability, a known non-functional requirement in IT architecture for many years already. There is a difference between cloud computing provides compute scalability to cloud computing "can" provide elastic scalability. Rapid elasticity or cloud elasticity is used in cloud computing to get scalable provisioning. Delivery of services like compute, storage and networking over the internet is known as Cloud Computing, and the provider of such services is known as Cloud Provider. Resources are automatically provisioned behind the scenes, without the end user even. The cloud computing capabilities can be released elastically. Rapid Elasticity is one of the essential characteristics of cloud computing, and it refers to the ability of a cloud system to dynamically scale resources up or down based on the demand. An elasticity metric could be used to define and to monitor Service Level Agreements (SLAs), to compare and to benchmark different cloud providers or to improve provisioning and management. 2. A precise definition of elasticity is proposed and its core properties and requirements explicitly distinguishing from related terms such as scalability and efficiency are analyzed. scale out, we are frequently referring to databases and data. Broad Network Access. The ability of a system to handle increased load by. This is a long-term transition and tends to involve scaling up and down the infrastructure that a company uses in its cloud computing capabilities. A scalable system can help keep your application or online business running during peak times and not end up losing you money or damaging your reputation. How does cloud computing help in achieving scalability and elasticity for applications? arrow_forward. Netflix is an excellent example of how elasticity in cloud computing can help achieve scalability while ensuring cost optimization, as the company can instantly scale up or. If a cloud resource is scalable, then it enables stable system growth without impacting performance. Elasticity= scalability+automation | {z } auto-scaling +optimization It means that the elasticity is built on top of scalability. 1 Elasticity and scalability Cloud computing offers the customer the ability to expand and reduce resources according to its specific service requirement. It saves your business money by only. Scalability in cloud computing is the ability to increase or decrease IT resources to respond to changing business needs. When the phrase “the cloud” first began popping up in the early 2000s, it had an esoteric ring. This means businesses can scale up or down the needed resources. Scalability is the potential of your cloud application to grow or shrink in response to changing demand, while elasticity is the actual adjustment of your cloud application's resources and. Scalability is pretty simple to define, which is why some of the aspects of elasticity are often attributed to it. Cloud Native: Cloud-native refers to any application or service that is built specifically for the cloud. Elasticity is the ability of your app to automatically adjust the. It is of two types. Cloud computing scalability is vital if you want to grow your business. Cloud elasticity is a fundamental part of modern cloud computing. Typically controlled by system monitoring tools, elastic computing matches the. Horizontal scaling vs. To decide between scale-up vs. Scalability in cloud computing is more of a constant process of adding more to your system so that it would keep up with the demand. What is Cloud Elasticity? Cloud elasticity in cloud computing is the ability to rapidly and dynamically allocate cloud resources, including compute, storage, and memory resources, in response to changing demands. vertical scaling Horizontal scaling and vertical scaling are two different approaches used for increasing the performance and capacity of a system. Elastic computing is a subset of cloud computing that involves dynamically operating the cloud server. Many strategies exist to achieve scalability in cloud computing, and the strategy you use depends on your organization’s goals and current needs. 3. Scalability refers to the growing or shrinking of workflows or architectures in pre-built infrastructures without impacting performance. Cloud scalability ensures the system can handle increased loads by adding resources to the system, whereas cloud elasticity manages the swift provision and de-provision of resources in an automated fashion, responding to changing demand. Cloud Elasticity vs Cloud Scalability. If a cloud resource is scalable, then it enables stable system growth without impacting performance. Cloud computing offers dynamic and flexible resource allocation based on demand for each system. You configure the EC2-Instance in a very secure manner by using the. The terms Elasticity, Scalability and Efficiency are commonly used (and often misused) in the context of Cloud Computing. Scalability vs Elasticity: Many people confuse these 2 terms as one and the same thing, when they are discussed in the context of cloud computing, though they are not. Scaling up, or vertical scaling, is the concept of adding more resources to an instance that already has resources allocated. It is the ability to increase or decrease the system resources to meet the changing demands. An elastic system automatically adapts to match resources with demand as closely as possible, in real time. Solutions. What is Cloud Elasticity? Cloud Elasticity is the property of a cloud to grow or shrink capacity for CPU, memory, and storage resources to adapt to the changing demands of an organization. They are provided on-demand via self-service, so vast amounts of computing resources can be provisioned in minutes. Elasticity refers to a system’s ability to grow or shrink dynamically in response to changing workload demands, like a sudden spike in web traffic. What is elastic computing or cloud elasticity? Elastic computing is the ability to quickly expand or decrease computer processing, memory, and storage resources to meet changing demands without worrying about capacity planning and engineering for peak usage. The key point to understand about High Elasticity is that it is Automatic. EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) provides all the computing. When reading about cloud scalability, you have probably come across the term “cloud elasticity. Cloud computing works on a Pay-on-Use basis for individuals and organizations. Cloud Elasticity. This elasticity empowers organizations to handle fluctuating. Cloud Elasticity can also refer to the ability to grow or shrink the resources used by a cloud-based application. Elasticity in cloud computing is the ability of this cloud to adapt to application needs as quickly as possible. Utility computing is a subset of cloud computing, allowing users to scale up and down based on their needs. Through scalability you can. Ability to dynamically scale the services provided directly to customers. Cloud computing scalability is vital if you want to grow your business and be able to easily deal with changes in traffic and demands. Ability to dynamically scale the services provided directly to customers. This is one of the main benefits of using the cloud — and it allows companies to better manage resources and costs. One of the great things about cloud computing is the ability to quickly provision resources in the cloud as manufacturing organizations need them. Difference Between Elasticity And Scalability In The Cloud. 4. 2013; Islam et al. These services are divided into three main categories or types of cloud computing: infrastructure as a service ( IaaS ), platform as a service ( PaaS) and software as a service ( SaaS ). The elasticity process should proceed quickly, almost instantly. To date, the. Vertical scalability includes adding more power to the current resources, and horizontal scalability means adding more resources to divide. Cloud computing is scalable, so you can freely add or remove infrastructure resources to meet your applications needs. Use load balancers: Load balancers can distribute traffic across. The data which is stored can be files, images, documents, or any other storable document. This is a summary of the article Elasticity in Cloud Computing: State of the Art and Research Challenges written by Al-Dhuraibi,. A definition of scalability in cloud computing is, for example, given by Herbst et al. In other words, you've connected your device to the internet to store and manage data across your Apple devices. Elasticity, Scalability. Computing resources such as CPU/processing,. What is scalability?Scalability is one of the key features of cloud computing, and it is one of the primary reasons why cloud services are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. Originating from the field of physics and economics, the term elasticity is nowadays heavily used in the context of cloud computing. It takes into account the scalability and elasticity of a. Attitudes toward security have changed significantly. Scalability will prevent you from having to worry about capacity planning and peak engineering. Among the various cloud service providers available, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as a popular choice for businesses seeking digital. Elasticity – generally refers to increasing or decreasing cloud resources. So that when the load increases you scale by adding more resources and when demand wanes you shrink back and remove unneeded resources. Consider these aspects: Convenience. Certified cloud computing specialists are in demand, outperforming the disruptive move away from in-house servers and computing capacity toward the flexibility and scalability of cloud-based systems. Elasticity and Scalability are two fundamental cloud architecture principles that guide AWS Architecture. Often you will hear people say, “Is this workload elastic?”. According to Wikipedia elasticity is defined as “the degree to which a system is able to adapt to workload changes by provisioning and de-provisioning resources in an autonomic manner, such that at each point in time the available resources match the current demand as closely as possible. Most people, when thinking of cloud computing, think of the ease with which they can procure resources when needed. 4 min read - Organizations worldwide are embracing the power of cloud computing to drive innovation, enhance scalability and improve operational efficiency. Cloud elasticity and scalability are two key features of cloud computing IaaS, or infrastructure as a service. Context: In cloud computing, there is a multitude of definitions and metrics for scalability, elasticity, and efficiency. Scaling-Down: Reducing Compute Power (CPU or RAM) to support the decreased workload. Private cloud (also known as an internal cloud or corporate cloud) is a cloud computing environment in which all hardware and software resources are dedicated exclusively to, and accessible only by, a single customer. This flexibility ensures that applications and services can adapt to fluctuating workloads, providing a smooth and uninterrupted user experience. Let’s look at some of the different types of scalability in cloud. At first, we explored scalability, its characteristics, and its most relevant. What is elastic cloud computing? In cloud computing, elasticity is defined as "the degree to which a system is able to adapt to workload changes by provisioning and de-provisioning. See full list on spiceworks. Elasticity is the ability to fit the resources needed to cope with loads dynamically usually in relation to scale out. This cloud characteristic enables the cost-effective running of workloads that require a vast number of servers but only for a short period. Cloud elasticity is the ability of a cloud-based system to dynamically adapt its resource capacity to meet changing demands. Horizontal scaling vs. , according to business needs. They allow you to adjust your computing resources according to the changing demand. Scalability, on the other hand, refers to a system’s, network’s, or process’s ability to handle increasing amounts of work or to be expanded in a variety of ways. Cost: Because public clouds provide scalability, you’ll only be responsible for paying for the extra capacity if you require it. Elastic cloud infrastructure can expand or shrink its capacity to meet short-term fluctuations in usage. Elastically in the context of cloud computing, it is required that the scaling of the system is quick, and it means the variable demands that the system exhibit. Horizontal scaling vs. Cloud Scalability vs Cloud Elasticity: Main Differences. This refers to how well your cloud services are able to add and remove resources on demand. It is the ability to quickly expand or decrease computing resources, not just VMs. In cloud computing, cloud scalability refers to the ability of increasing or decreasing the IT resources to meet changing needs. What is Cloud Computing. Elasticity is typically delineated into several categories:Elasticity in cloud computing enables cloud providers to meet the various needs of many customers while remaining financially viable. While we often use it to refer to a system’s ability to grow, it is not exclusive to this definition. Cost-efficiency: Cloud scalability enables companies to quickly have the systems they need and the compute power without the expense of purchasing equipment and setting it up. Ideal for managing dynamic changes where resource requirements can fluctuate. An ideal Cloud Computing practice leverages operational efficiency because of its benefits that include enhanced agility, cost reduction, improved scalability and not to mention, simplicity and velocity. Types Of Scaling In Cloud Computing. Cloud elasticity gives a dynamic business extreme flexibility to deal with things like unpredictable surges in website traffic or fluctuating demand for their service. Fault tolerance in cloud computing is a crucial concept that must be understood in advance. Importantly, organisations can go back to the original configuration once. Primarily used to address sudden, short-term spikes in workload. This growth can be either the organic growth of a solution or it could be related to a merger and. The outcome of the evolution of cloud computing is to ease of handling ______. Elastic workloads are a major pattern which benefits from cloud computing. It provides less storage as compared to cloud computing. Regarding cloud computing, scalability and elasticity are two important concepts you need to understand. scale-out architecture for storage. There are several definitions according to various authors, some considering the notions of. Elastic resources match the current needs, and resources are added or removed automatically to meet future needs when it’s needed (and from the most advantageous geographic location). A key characteristic and benefit of cloud computing is its rapid scalability. Scalability in cloud computing refers to increasing the workload within an existing limit of hardware or software without applying any negative impact on the performance. Elasticity: The ability to automatically or dynamically increase or decrease resources as needed. The pros of cloud elasticity include: High availability and reliability: Cloud elasticity allows users to enjoy a highly consistent, predictable experience, without the risk of services failing or becoming unavailable. Elasticity is a feature that allows businesses to utilize their computing resources more efficiently, leading to cost savings and increased productivity. A third group of services integrate with AWS. Cloud elasticity is a must-have capability in the era of dynamic workloads. Cloud computing is the On-demand availability of computing services including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the Internet. Cloud load balancing is defined as the method of splitting workloads and computing properties in a cloud computing. Cloud computing offers faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Data storage capacity, processing power and networking can all be scaled using existing cloud. ” even though these terms are similar and are often used interchangeably, they have distinct differences. i think, scalability - ability of. IaaS is one of the four types of cloud services, along with software as a service ( SaaS ), platform as a service ( PaaS ), and serverless. People accessing will cloud services should cannot be able to notice is our are added or. It enables you to scale the cloud computing services inward and outward, and it helps to be commensurate with the dynamic demand posted by the end-users. Agility: Cloud services can allocate and deallocate resources quickly. The real difference lies in the requirements and conditions under which they function. If you have an iPhone, you've likely backed up its contents to iCloud. Private cloud is a cloud environment in which all cloud infrastructure and computing resources are dedicated to, and accessible by, one customer only. Brian Curtis. Scalability and elasticity in cloud: Scalability can be defined as the cloud's ability to manage workloads by increasing or decreasing resources per the demand. Since companies pay for only what they need and use, there is no waste on capacity. Cloud scalability in cloud computing refers to the ability to increase or decrease IT resources as needed to meet changing demand. Elasticity: Allows you to match the supply of resources—which cost money—to demand. This usually relies on external cloud computing services, where the local cluster provides only part of the resource pool available to all jobs. Elasticity is a key property of cloud computing environments and one of the features which distinguishes this paradigm from other ones. This survey on cloud computing elasticity is proposed based on an adaptation of a classic systematic review approach and addresses different aspects of elasticity, such as definitions, metrics and tools for measuring, evaluation of the elasticITY, and existing solutions. ECS: Simple to deploy, no control plane required, configuration and deployment via the AWS management console. If your business uses paper documents or older technology, growing could be a challenge. scaling up. 1. Cloud scalability in cloud computing refers to the ability to increase or decrease IT resources as needed to meet changing demand. Scalability and Elasticity in Cloud Computing. Scalability in cloud computing is the ability to quickly and easily increase or decrease the size or power of an IT solution or resource. Cloud scalability is utilised by big enterprises. Patterns for scalable and resilient apps. Instead of storing and accessing data or programs…Elasticity is a key characteristic of cloud platforms enabling resource to be acquired on-demand in response to time-varying workloads. What this means is that cloud services need to be able to expand and contract automatically based on your changing needs. Horizontal cloud scaling, also known as scaling out, is the enhancement of cloud bandwidth by adding new computing nodes or machines. Advantages of the Hybrid Cloud Model. Administrative Scalability: works with the increasing number of customers using a given computing system. In cloud computing, resources can be dynamically allocated or deallocated to match the demand at any given time. It refers to the ability to swiftly and automatically scale computing resources up or down based on demand. Preferred for handling a consistent increase in workload within an organization. It means businesses can manage their evolving needs without investing in additional physical infrastructure. Cloud scalability is the ability to increase and decrease the size of your cloud computing capabilities depending on your needs. This article will explore the pivotal aspects of cloud computing scalability and see how it helps companies to. jems023 7 months ago never heard the "elastic scalability" because elastic is about auto -scaling while scalability is commonly known as manual-scaling with two categories. Cloud scalability in cloud computing refers to the ability to increase or decrease IT resources as needed to meet changing demand. However, there is more to scalability in the cloud than simply adding or removing resources as needed. The IaaS examples in cloud computing providers. Cloud Economics. Latency and bandwidth both play a major role in cloud computing. This is one of the most valuable and predominant feature of cloud computing. While the term scalability can refer to the capability of any system to handle a growing amount of work, when we talk about whether to scale up vs. Resource pooling. Scalability refers to a long-term strategy in which additional resources are dedicated to supporting changing business needs on a larger scale. cloud computing capacity benefits:. Private cloud combines many of the benefits of cloud. [HKR13], which states that "scalability is the ability of [a] system to sustain increasing workloads by. Data storage capacity, processing power and networking can all be scaled using existing cloud. In general, Scalability can be defined as the degree to which a system is able to meet application specific performance criteria in response to larger workloads by incrementally adding proportional amount of resource. To provide scalability the framework’s capacity is designed with some extra room to handle any surges in demand that might occur. Resource Pooling. ”. Types Of Scaling In Cloud Computing. 1 It is used just to fulfil the sudden requirement in It is used to fulfil the static boost in the the workload for a short period. The key motivations for people to utilize cloud services are elasticity and scalability [10]. Delivery of services like compute, storage and networking over the internet is known as Cloud Computing, and the provider of such services is known as Cloud Provider. Storage capacity, processing power, and network can be scaled in the. Automation Levels One of the main differences between the two concepts is the level of automation that each has. Cloud computing encompasses both terms, but they are different things. Uses of. Elasticity. Cloud elasticity vs. The process involves using autonomic or autoscaling features that enable a system to adapt quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively to varying workloads. A cloud that offered by cloud providers as opposed to an internal cloud created by a company . Our technical scalability metrics are inspired by metrics of elasticity. Elasticity and scalability in cloud computing are both important. The outcome of the above techniques was a reduction of 33% in monthly costs. Elastic computing is the ability of a cloud service provider to swiftly scale the usage of resources such as storage, infrastructure, computer processing, CPU memory, RAM, input/output bandwidth, etc. g.